Pickleball and Paddle Tennis Products
from Our Company
Based in Los Angeles, California
ILovePaddleTennis.com is a company based in Los Angeles, California, that is owned by Paddle Tennis Hall of Fame Inductee, Sonia Ode Lucci. Sonia promotes the sport and offers pickleball and paddle tennis products from Wilson® at tournaments and clubs. These products are also available nationwide through USPS shipping.
Sonia is a Pickleball Coalition Influencer.
What is Pickleball?
Pickleball is a paddle sport that combines elements of Tennis,
Badminton, and Ping-Pong, using a paddle and a plastic ball with holes (Wiffle Ball).
It is a game that is appropriate for players of all ages and skill levels.
Rules for Pickleball are simple, making it a great introductory sport. It can also be quite challenging, fast-paced, and can be a competitive game when people become more experienced.
You can log on to: USAPA.org for more information.
What is Paddle Tennis?
Paddle Tennis is a sport that is quickly growing in popularity. It was invented before tennis and is great to learn in preparation for tennis. Using the same scoring and the same style ball, this game is played on a smaller than an average court. Here's an instructional video on how to convert a regular tennis court to a court which is the proper size to play Paddle Tennis, called "Paddle 2 Go":

► Paddle Tennis 2 Go
About Sonia Ode Lucci

With more than 28 years of experience in paddle tennis, Sonia has won 11 Double Championships. Now she plays both sports: Pickleball and Paddle Tennis. One court, 2 sports! It's the wave of the future.
Known as one of the best, she is a professional that has taken her game to the next level. As a top-level athlete, Sonia is sponsored by Wilson® and plays using only paddles made by:

► For Wilson® Paddles and all racket sports purchases, go to: Paddles4less.com
Here's Sonia at the Florida Nationals Open Division on May 23, 2015!
She included a photo of the winners, Luke and Ryan, also for your enjoyment!

For the best Paddle Tennis and Pickleball Paddles, log into:
And be sure to visit:
Maximo Beauty Salon
— The Official Paddle Tennis Beauty Salon! —
12827-1/2 Washington Place
Culver City, CA
call: Lupe at (310) 989 6224
(Mention PADDLE TENNIS and receive a Special Price!)
Want more info or want Tennis or Paddle Tennis lessons
taught by the Women's National Doubles Champion?
Then contact:
Sonia Ode Lucci
(310) 592 1108